Toldrá Asia Consulting founded in 2008, thanks to the highly marked global orientation, and thanks to the globalisation and quick development of the football market has become a football reference in emerging markets such as China, Middle East and Southeast Asia, by helping these countries markets to develop and improve the local youth football as well managing successful international transfers of well reputed players, coaches and technical teams to these countries.


Geography in relation with the world football has changed substantially in past decades, as China, Middle East and other Asian countries are bursting with strength in the market.

Toldrá Asia Consulting has broad and deep experience in international markets, betting heavily on the professionalization of youth football.


Our mission is to help professional clubs improve their position by signing international transfers of players, coaches, and technical staffs, as well as by organising international tournaments and preseason in Europe.


Toldrá Asia Consulting is committed to develop youth football by creating training and education programs dedicated exclusively to teams, coaches and future talent of these regions.


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